
I will ask you to post reading responses to this site most weeks of the semester. The basic guidelines for all of your responses are the same: Find something in the reading that you find particularly helpful to your teaching, take us to that moment in the text, and briefly explain what it is that find useful or intriguing or provocative.

Aim for a post of about 400 words or so. While you should of course proofread and edit your work before posting it (I recommend composing in Word before uploading to WordPress), the style of your writing may be as informal and personal as you like.

I will always ask you to write your response to a text before we discuss it in class. The deadline for all responses will be Wednesday at 8:00 pm. Meeting this deadline is important, since the other members of this class will  be reading and commenting on what you have to say.

I will post some particular ideas and questions each week for you to consider as you write your response. In brief, though, your responses will be:

r1 Cross-Talk, 1
r2 Cross-Talk, 2
r3 Cross-Talk, 3
r4 Wikipedia post on key figure or term in writing studies (d1)
r5 Essay you would like to assign to undergraduate writers
r6 Wikipedia post (d2)
r7 First Semester
r8 Rewriting
r9 First-Year Composition, 1
r10 First-Year Composition, 2
r11 First-Year Composition, 3


Please use the assignment number as your category (e.g., r1, r2), and add three or distinctive tags to each of your posts. I will then ask you to read through and comment on several of your classmates posts on the following day. See Comments for more.

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Harris | UD | Fall 2014